"For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)
I do not know of anyone personally who has been cut by a two-edged sword, but I certainly do know people who have been cut by a simple knife. I count myself as one of them. If you have ever cut yourself with a knife, I want you to think back to that experience for a moment. Remember the pain, the blood, and maybe even some serious treatment with stitches. With that thought in mind, read the verse above again.
Copied or Inspired
There is a trend in society today to soften and even romanticise the Word of God, the Bible. Many try to pass it off as being a book of wise sayings and good moral stories. There are many in the world who do not believe the events that are written about, and even try to point out contradictions in the Bible in order to prove their point and discredit it in some way. Just watch a few documentaries about the Bible and see how they try to pass off that the events written about in the Bible are in some way copies of other events that happened in the world.
Unfortunately, this trend has even come into the church. There are pastors who believe that the events in the Bible are only there to teach us spiritual lessons. That they are not founded in fact. Again, with regard to documentaries, there are even some Biblical scholars who tell us the same thing as the world, that the Bible writers copied the stories from other nations in order to teach lessons.
However, if we believe the Bible is fully inspired by God, as discussed last time, then the Bible has to serve a greater purpose that just presenting moral or spiritual lessons. One such purpose is shown in our verse above.
Cutting to the Heart of the Matter
When one reads the Bible, and I mean seriously reads it and not just a quick five-minutes before leaving for work in the morning or when going to bed, but serious Bible reading where you study what it says and absorb its message, one is presented with a message that cuts our souls.
We should not, and can not, read stories like the Fall in Genesis 3 and say "Ag shame!" Nor can we read about the crucifixion of Jesus and why He died for us, and turn around and say that it does not apply to us. Both events are pivotal events in the history of the world and they should cut us to the heart and convict us of our own sin.
The Bible confronts us where we are and in the condition that we are in. We must not only read it order to gain some inspiration or upliftment during a bad situation, though this is a part of the function of Scripture. Nor should we read it only to prepare for a sermon or Bible lesson or to show others where they are wrong. Rather, we are to read it seriously and allow the Word to do what it is meant to do, to show us our hearts. To enlighten our bad attitudes. To judge our intentions and thoughts.
And, just as being cut by a knife or a two-edged sword causes pain, discomfort and bleeding, so should serious reading and study of the Bible hurt us, cause us discomfort and cause us to bleed.
If your reading of the Bible to date has not cut you and brought you conviction, then make a commitment today to begin reading the Bible seriously. If you do not know where to begin, buy a good study Bible or a book on how to study the Bible, and systematically work through it.
It will hurt at times, but remember this, God allows it to hurt because He is shaping us into the people He desires us to be.
Just a Thought!
© 2012