"For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe." (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
In our verse today, Paul commends the Thessalonians not only for their receiving the Word of God, but also for their believing that it truly is the Word of God. This leads us to a the question: Why should we believe the Word of God? In answering this question we need to bear in mind that not everyone will respond to the same answers in the same way. For some more answers need to be answered than others. With that said, join me as we ponder this question very briefly together.
Can We Trust the Bible?
Many in the world do not trust the Bible's portrait of Jesus. Some presume it is simply a tale told by some excellent religious storytellers. Or that the disciples concocted a story in order to start a new religion. Though they may believe that a man named Jesus did exist, some believe that the disciples made up the story of the resurrection in order to cover up what "really" happened - that they stole the body.
But consider this, if Jesus' body was stolen from the grave, and the disciples knew this, why would they have been willing to die for their testimony that Jesus rose from the dead? It is true that people are willing to die for a lie, but none would be willing to die for something that they know is a lie. Nor would they be willing to talk or write about such a lie while there were still hundreds, if not thousands, of people alive to verify or dispute it. In fact, the only dispute mentioned in the Bible and in history is by the Pharisees - those that wanted Jesus dead and Christianity quashed in the first place.
Based on all the evidence, which is too exhaustive to cover here, the picture of Jesus in the Bible is authentic, and based on eye-witness testimony.
Your Life Depends on It
Since then Jesus was a real person, and the things that the disciples said about Him is true, then we can safely say then that the things they said He said are also true. Therefore, we need to take what He said seriously. After all, the Bible is not merely an academic book. Though we can learn much from it, it is a book that is meant to change our lives and not just educate.
Jesus said that no-one can "see the Kingdom of God" without being born again, nor can anyone come "to the Father but through" Him (John 3:3 & 14:6). But He also spoke many negative words. If you had to take a red and a blue marker and mark all Jesus' "positive" words in blue and all His "negative" words in red, you will see that there would be more red than blue. In fact, Jesus spoke more about death and Hell than He did about life and Heaven. Therefore we need to take His words seriously. Our life depends on it
Why Do You Believe the Bible Is the Word of God?
This is a question you need to answer for yourself. Many will confront you in your life about your faith. Many will try to trip you up as if to turn you away from God. The devil himself will use all the tricks in the book to make you doubt God's Word.
But to answer that question is not enough. You may know the Bible to be true and that it is something to be taken seriously, but it needs to impact your heart and soul. Believing the Word of God and all it teaches in not just an act of the intellect. It needs to change us from the inside out. It needs to change our attitudes, thoughts, words and deeds. We need to receive it for what it is, the Word of God that comes from God not man, so that it can impact us the way it did with the Thessalonians who were willing to undergo persecution, knowing that one day they would see the glory of God (see 1 Thessalonians 2:14-20).
Just a Thought!
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