"as we night and day keep praying most earnestly that we may see your face, and may complete what is lacking in your faith? Now may our God and Father Himself and Jesus our Lord direct our way to you; and may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you; so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints." (1 Thessalonians 3:10-13)
In the previous verses Paul expressed his joy at the good report of the faith of the Thessalonian church. But his desire is more than just hearing good news about them, he wants to be reunited with them and for them to grow spiritually. In the same way that he worked night and day when he was with them (cf. 2:9), he now prays for them night and day. Join me as we look closer at his prayer.
Prayer of Submission, Love and Faith
Paul's prayer is first of all the be reunited with the church in Thessalonica. To Paul, his relationship with them was not a casual one, as if he had done the necessary work to lead them to Christ, but now they are on their own. His attitude was not that it is now up to God to do the rest. Rather Paul had a continuing interest in their faith. He knew that their faith was not complete. For Paul, discipleship was extremely important. He did not just spread the Gospel and leave the discipleship up to the local pastors or the Holy Spirit, although they were involved. Instead he took a personal, self-sacrificing interest in their spiritual growth.
In verse 11 Paul refers to both the Father and Jesus Christ in his prayer. Here he is emphasising both God's loving care and provision for His children as their Father, and Christ's authority. We see in this that Paul understood that he could never be reunited with the Thessalonian believers if God did not intervene. He could have made as many plans as he wanted to, but ultimately it was God in the end who would determine his steps.
In verse 12 Paul focusses on their love. Previously he had commended them for their love (cf. 1:3), but now he prays that their love would be sustained and increased. Although loving people is not what is going to win people to Christ, they need to hear the Gospel, it is an essential within the Christian community. As believers we should be known as people of love. When the world sees this, they will be attracted to the Christian way of life in some way or another, and then they may be receptive to hearing the Gospel. Therefore Paul prays that their love will grow in the same way that his love for them has grown.
Finally, Paul prays that their hearts and faith will be strengthened so that they will be able to stand before Christ on judgement day and be found holy and blameless before Him.
Purposeful Prayer
What characterises your prayers? Do you like Paul keep God's sovereignty in the forefront of your mind, recognising that only He has the power to change things or cause things to be? Do you desire to continue to be used by God for the spiritual growth of new believers? Do you see yourself as having a vital role in the discipleship of others, sacrificing your time to be involved with their growth? It is not merely the job of pastors, elders, or those who have studied, it is the responsibility of all believers (see Matthew 28:18-20).
Do you pray that love may grow and abound within your church community and within the body of Christ as a whole? Do you pray that the faith of all believers may grow and that they will be found to be holy and blameless before our perfect God?
These are the things that should be characterising our prayers. Not shopping lists or quick bullet-prayers shot up to heaven hoping God will intervene, but well-thought out prayers that desire for God to change hearts and minds to be more Christlike. Prayers for changes in people's lives that will draw people to the church, and ultimately to Christ through the preaching of the Gospel. This is to be the desire and prayer of all believers.
Just a Thought!
© 2013