Monday, June 24, 2013

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Just a Thought! - 10 June 2013

"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11)

The believers in Thessalonica sought information about when Christ will return. As we have seen, Paul answers the more important question of the who will be with Christ when He returns, rather than the when. Those who are clothed in Christ's righteousness look forward to glorification with Christ instead of the wrath that is in store for unbelievers. Paul continues in these verses to present the true hope of every believer. Let us look at it together.

In Christ Alone

There are many that teach that it does not matter who one believes in, we are all heading for the same place. That it makes no difference if you worship Jesus or Allah, all are going to go to heaven. Then there are those that do not believe in an afterlife at all that say when we die, that is it - total annihilation for all. These teachings have also unfortunately made their way into the church. There are some well-known pastors and teachers aligning with those of other faiths and saying that we will be seeing them in heaven.

The truth of the matter though is that salvation is through Christ alone. Peter declares this emphatically when he and John were arrested and brought before Annas and Caiaphas in Acts 4 when he said, "there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name [Jesus Christ] under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."

Paul reminds the Thessalonians here that they have already obtained salvation through Jesus Christ.

Through Christ's Death Alone

Paul also reminds them that they have obtained their salvation through Christ's death on the cross. Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8-9 that, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." This coming from a man who had previously considered his works to have been of utmost importance, and as a requirement for acceptance by God (see Philippians 3).

Unfortunately there are still people that teach a works based salvation. That we will make it into heaven if we live upright, moral lives. It makes no difference to them who they worship, as long as they fill their lives with good works. If that is true, then atheists will be in heaven with us. This is a clear contradiction of Scripture.

Therefore Live For One Another

Therefore Paul can say that since our salvation is through Christ and His death alone, we are all parts of the one body. Whether in the grave or still walking this earth, all believers past, present and future are part of the body of Christ. But we must not rest on our laurels and live for ourselves. No, our being a part of the body means that we have responsibility to the body, which Paul spells out in verse 9 - to encourage and build one another up.

Life in Christ is not about me. It is about Him and others. It is a life of giving up of oneself for the building up and betterment of others. It does not matter how you feel about them, whether they irritate you, or if they say and do things that are not the way you would say or do them. Rather it is about putting aside your preferences and desires for the sake of others. This is yet another aspect of what it means to make disciples.

Are you building others up in their faith? Have you come alongside other believers in order to strengthen them? Do you care for those spiritually "younger" or "weaker" than you? For as Paul reminds us here, it is our responsibility to build God's Kingdom and not our own.

Just a Thought!

© 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

Just a Thought! - 3 June 2013

"But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation." (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8)

The first three verses of chapter 5 seem to not be filled with good news. As pointed out last time, Paul's point is that we are to be prepared for Christ's return. In those verses Paul describes what the people of the world are living like without that expectation. In these next five verses however, Paul looks at how we as believers are meant to be living during this time of expectation, and he begins it by using two words that bring in the contrast, "But you." Let us look at this contrast together.

Be Children of Light

Those in the world are not living in the light of Christ, but rather in the darkness of not knowing Him. The concerns that the Thessalonians, and indeed any who struggle with the "when" question as discussed last time, are not living as Children of Light. They are worried about things that should be of no real concern to them. When is only important in that they should be living with the constant expectation that it could be today.

As children of light we live knowing Jesus personally. With Him guiding us and teaching us, we have no need to fear the things that those in the darkness worry about. If we truly know Christ as we should, we will be ready even if He returns the moment you finish reading this paragraph. But those that walk in darkness have every reason to fear, for if Jesus should return today, they will stand condemned before the judgement seat of Christ.

Paul does not go into detail on how to live in the light. Rather he assures the readers that they already are, and therefore do not need to worry themselves about how to live in a dark world.

Be Fully Aware

Those who live in the darkness often times seem to be living fuller and more enjoyable lives. They drive the latest and fanciest cars, they live in luxury, and have fun doing it. Paul knows however that looks are deceiving. In reality those that live in darkness are deceived. They have no security for eternity. They are drunk and asleep in a dark world that is going to be judged when Christ returns. Therefore, why imitate them? Why desire what they have in this life?

As children of light we are to be aware of the dangers that lurk around the corner. We are to follow the light of Christ as it lights the way that we are to go, and to see the pitfalls that we will fall into should we follow the ways of the world. To Paul, how one perceives the end times actually impacts how one lives today. If you live with little or no regard for eternal life or judgement, why not just do as you please today? But if you know that a glorious eternity is waiting if you walk in the ways of the Lord, then how you live today becomes important.

Be Clothed in Spiritual Armour

Paul uses the image of being properly clothed a number of times throughout his epistles (cf. Romans 13; Galatians 3; Ephesians 6; and Colossians 3). In comparison to most of those passages though, this is not a command to "put on", as in Ephesians 6, but rather reminds us that as believers, faith and love have already been put on (v8). This therefore gives confidence to move forward. Christ has already clothed us with the armour that we need to be able to walk in light.

Those living in darkness do not comprehend the severity of living as such. They have no idea of what it will mean for them at the end. However, as Christians we do. The question is, are we showing those in darkness the Light of Christ? Are we living in faith and expressing His love to them? Are we drawing them into the Light?

Just a Thought!

© 2013