Monday, May 27, 2013

Just a Thought! - 27 May 2013

"Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3)

There are many theories and teachings around today concerning the end of the world. From the Biblical to the bizarre, there are so many theories today that one can so easily become confused as to what will happen in the last days. You have Amillenialism, Premillenialism, and Postmillenialism. Then there is Pre-tribulation and Post-tribulation. All of which makes the whole thing sound like A-Pre-Post-erous concept. What then is the truth? What will happen in the last days?

I am not going to cover any of these teachings here, but rather we will look at the things that are certain from our text above. Join me as we look hopefully towards that glorious day of Christ's return.

Christ's Return - Date Unknown

It is natural for us to wonder when Christ will return. Daniel wondered "how long?" (Daniel 12:6), as did Jesus' disciples (Mark 13:1-4). Daniel and the disciples had the luxury of asking "heavenly beings" the question, in hopes that they, being sent from the throne room of God itself, would be able to answer. Looking at how Paul handles it here is would seem that the believers in Thessalonica had the same question - when will Christ return?

Paul's answer though is not what they would have expected. Instead of giving them a date and time, or even an indication of how many years, Paul in a way tells them that it is the wrong question to ask. They should not be concerned about the specific date, but rather to be ready all the time. Why? Because His return will be like a thief in the night.

Christ's Return - Like a Thief

In the same way that you do not know if and when a thief is going to break in to your house, we do not know when Jesus will return. It will be something unexpected. It will come suddenly, at a time when people are the least vigilant and most ignorant as to what God is doing around them. At a time when people will not be looking for Him, even in the church.

And if you thought that was bad news, there is more to come, because Christ's return will mean destruction.

Christ's Return - With Destruction

The return of Christ will come at a cost. At a time when people believe that they are living in a time of "peace and safety" then He will come to take it all away and destroy what little they do have. In the same way that a baby cannot be born without some pain, so too must God's judgement comes with pain.

Paul does not go into any further detail about the final judgement. Rather his concern is for the believers in Thessalonica to be ready for it. To not be complacent and think that all is fine now. The end will come when least expected, and those who do not believe had better watch out.

"Be Prepared"

This famous slogan of the Boy Scouts is just as apt for the church today. Let us live with the expectation that Jesus will return. Though the news in these verses does not necessarily give us any hope, we can live in hope that when Christ does come, those who do not believe, who have persecuted us, who have given us cause to grieve, will be punished. Let us not be complacent and live and think like the world, but let us join with the Spirit who stands with the bride and says "Come, Lord Jesus, Come" (Revelation 22:17, 20). Maranatha.

Just a Thought!

© 2013

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